Firstly, I must say I'm very new. Yes, I'm sorry, but I know my way around
a computer, to say the least.

Now, I want to hack this text-based rpg (MUD), called DSL (Dark and Shattered
Lands). It is played via the crappy on-site client, or the crappier telnet, or
personal clients. The Main Site is Dark & Shattered Lands

Really, doing ANYTHING would be helpful. I've been a member of the game for
a few years now, and I'm doing pretty well for myself. So no "Infinite HP/Mana
omguh" hack, just one simple thing.

I need an account deleted. An enemy of mine, who is a huge egotistical prick.

The way accounts are, you can have as many Characters as you want, but
they all must be in one account; the Master Account. I know only the
names of the characters this guy has (Zivan, Zorreau, and Divorak), but I
don't know the master account name, nor password.

It's confusing, sorry.. Here's an example:

*connect to game, type 'y' for color*
type 'm' for "login to master account"
type your master account name
type your master account password
--Now you're logged in. From here you can log into your characters.
--Each character has a password itself that you have to choose during it's
creation. Only by knowing the master account name, the master account
password, and the character's password, can one delete a character.

*sigh* I know, a lot to read... Here's a summary.

I want to know the name, and password for the master account which holds
the characters Zivan, Zorreau, and Divorak. I also want the passwords for
each of those characters.

I'm sure those things would be listed in the characters "pfile" as I hear it put.

I really really hope someone can do this to be rid of the dick forever, as the
admin's don't seem to care.

Thanks in advance,

PS: If there's no possible way to do this, doing -anything- to the mud would
be appreciated.