I need help about this issue:

I am trying to implement those files into the Terraria.exe.
I am using the Source Code from MrBlueSL (thank you!) and fixed few occuring errors.
The client is working properly, without any crashing, failure, etc.

I want to implement some hack codes (like godmode, all-item window, disabling enemy spawn, etc.), as well, being able to use that feature on my and friends server.
I know, there are some already-hacked-clients, but I want to learn this stuff about C#
So, be kindly and accept my opinion and behavior - I just want to learn

The following things are given:
Calling these variables:

Interface.Init in Main.Initialize (should be right after initing language stuff)
Interface.Update in Main.Update (before updating player)
Interface.ModPlayer.GMPostPlayer (right after the player)
Interface.Draw (right before drawing the inventory in Main.Draw)
A XNA Keyboard input handler (file name: KeyHandler.cs which should be declared at Main.keyState. Requires WPF references (PresentationCore.dll, PresentationFramework.dll and WindowsBase.dll -> they should be in my .NET 4 client profile, but I cannot find the folder, either searching won't help, too many results)) as well, if something goes wrong, I should search for -1 to 1 variables at the "Main.DrawMenu".

I have following files KeyHandler.cs and Interface.cs.
Nothing else.
Need the DLL files from .NET 4 and the know-how how to link these content to each other.

My problem is, I am cannot link those "Interface.Init; Main.Update; Main.DrawMenu; etc.", which means, I don't know where to search these parameters. E.g. "Main.Update", as I would guess, it should be in the "Main.cs" below the section "Update" but ... still cannot figure it out which one it is.

Would be great about any help. Please don't troll about this Topic.
Thanks in advance!