Gold 4 account 80 champs 41 skins including medieval twitch and 10k rp

Only trading to people with rep if you have no rep I WILL NOT GO FIRST AT ALL

80 Champs 6 Rune pages and almost every rune.

40 Skins

Gragas ESQ
Foxfire Ahri
Midnight ahri
Amethys ashe
Woad ashe
Soul reaver draven
Gladiator Draven
Death blossom elise
Pulsefire ezreal - Ultimate
TPA ezreal
Steel legion garen
Mafia Graves
Reaper hecarim
Frost queen janna
Warring kingdom J4
Full Metal Jayce
Pre void Kassadin
Mecha Kha'zix -Legendary
Lion Dance Kog'maw - Legendary
Aolyte lee sin
Bloodstone lissandra
Abyssal nautlus
Full Metal Rammus
Dark crystal Ryze
Justicar Syndra
Rocket Girl Tristana
Demon BLade tryndamere - Legendary
Jack of Hearts twisted fate
Medieval Twitch - Super Rare !
Gangster Twitch
Vandal Twitch
Primal Udyr
Blight crystal Varus
Arclight Varus
Dragon Slayer Vayne
Grey Warick
Shockblade Zed
Wildfire Zyra
Dragondance Corki
Mafia jinx

Looking for
I am only selling for 75 USD PAYPAL GIFTED can use middleman


Additional info

Contact me for more info on the account champs rune pages runes anything you need.