Hello I am selling an account on EUW which is Gold2 with 100 Points(Promotion games not played) and higher MMR so you get 20~Points per win. As you can see from the amount of games played in ranked.

It also has some skins and some recruit a friend skins like the Warwick skin.

There is also 599 XP boost left on Wins and it is a Gold account from season 2.

9 Rune pages and the runes you will need (AP/AD/Magic pen/Armor/MRes/attack speed/mana regen etc etc)

80 Champions

Crimson Akali
Blood Moon Akali
Goth Annie
Safari Cait
Tempest Janna
Victorious Janna
Judgement Kayle
Obsidian Malphite
Leopard Nid
Heartseeker Vayne
Grey Warwick
Aristocrat Vayne
French maid Nid

Post your skype if you want

Willing to sell this for PSC or Dayz on steam($30)

Have pictures too but can not post