Ok so I'm setting up custom spawns, I only have 3 at the moment so I could do some testing but players are spawning in random directions which I had a feeling would happen. Is there a way that I can include viewpos to the coordinates? my code is below

	if(getDvar("mapname") == "mp_terminal")
		if(self.team == "allies")

				self.spawnLocations = [];
				self.spawnLocations[0] = (-310.8,  4853.7,  253.1);
				self.spawnLocations[1] = (-56.7,  4866.4,  253.1);
				self.spawnLocations[2] = (-57.3,  5383.9,  253.1);
				self setOrigin(self.spawnLocations[randomInt(self.spawnLocations.size)]);
		else if(self.team == "axis")

				self.spawnLocations = [];
				self.spawnLocations[0] = ( 2254.7,  4485.5,  252.1);
				self.spawnLocations[1] = ( 1944.4,  5035.9,  252.1);
				self.spawnLocations[2] = ( 2307.0,  4731.8,  252.1);
				self setOrigin(self.spawnLocations[randomInt(self.spawnLocations.size)]);