Hey everyone! I'm selling ELO boosting for the North American server. Prices are listed below and are dropped as well! If you are buying bulk I will negotiate a price with you! Please reply back to this thread!

Bronze 5 - $5
Bronze 4 - $5
Bronze 3 - $5
Bronze 2 - $5
Bronze 1 - $5

Bronze 5 to Silver 5 as a package - $20

Silver 5 - $6
Silver 4 -$6
Silver 3 - $6
Silver 2 - $6
Silver 1 $6

Silver 5 to Gold 5 as a package - $25

Gold 5 - $10
Gold 4 - $10
Gold 3 - $11
Gold 2 - $13
Gold 1 - $13

Anything Plat and above will be negotiated over Skype.