Hello friends. As summer is coming, decided to sell my smurf account for cheap money. Price is negotiable and can be discussed at Skype - tomynica

- Original owner
- 92 champs
- 34 skins (Prom Queen Annie, Commando Xin Zhao, Judgement Kayle, Unchained Alistar, Snowstorm Sivir, Cottontail Teemo, Riot Girl Tristana, Sasquatch Nunu, Nutracko, Nightblade Irelia, Traditional Karma, Sakura Karma, White Mage Veigar, Traditional Trundle, Kitty Cat Katarina, iBlitzcrank, Galactic Renekton, Scorched Earth Renekton, Frozen Terror Nocturne, Void Nocturne, Apocalyptic Brand, Traditional Lee Sin, Indicator Vayne, Snow Bunny Nidale, Crimson Elite Riven, Lord Mordekaiser, Dreadknight Garen, Pharaoh Nasus, Battle Bunny Riven, Popstar Ahri, Warlord Shen, Pool Party Graves, Arcade Hecarim, Mafia Jinx)
- 5 rune pages and most important runes
- Season 1 account
- Gold 3 at the moment
- Lots of summoner icons
- 730 normal wins