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  1. #1
    FataLz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Ur Moms House
    My Mood

    Plat 5 League Account 111 Skins 20 rune pages, Pax Jax and more for a knife!

    Platinum 5 NA ranked league of legends account with 111 skins, This account will come with full information.

    Imgur Album:,8MtE7HD,UMJ...hC1t,2C75Jz2#0 (Picture of rank is outdated, I decayed / went on losing streak after a month or so of inactivity) Account also now has VelKoz


    Skype: David.Bennett5

    • M9 Bayonet Fade FN/MW
    • M9 Bayonet Slaughet FN/MW
    • Bayonet Fade FN/MW
    • Bayonet Slaugher FN/MW
    • Bayonet Night FN/MW (Probably will need to throw in money / other skins)


    Platinum 5
    North America
    20 Rune Page
    111 Skins

    This account comes with all champions EXCEPT for the following:
    Miss Fortune

    9x Armor
    9x Armor Pen
    9x Attack Speed
    9x Crit Chance
    9x Hybrid Pen
    9x Magic Pen
    9x Magic Resist

    9x Ability Power
    9x Physical Damage
    9x Gold Per 10
    9x Mana Regen / 5
    9x Health at level 18

    9x Ability Power
    9x Physical Damage
    9x Cooldown Reduction
    1x Magic Pen
    9x Ability Power at Level 18
    9x Magic Resist at Level 10

    3x Ability Power
    3x Armor
    3x Armor Pen
    1x Attack Speed
    3x Gold per 10
    3x Health Regen / 5
    1x Hybrid Pen
    3x Lifesteal Bonus
    3x Magic Pen
    3x Movespeed
    3x Spellvamp Bonus

    Full list of skins:

    Tango Twisted Fate
    The Magnificnet Twisted Fate
    Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao
    Commando Xin Zhao
    Battlecast Urgot
    Prestigious LeBlanc
    Blood Lord Vladimir
    Aether Wing Kayle
    Unchained Alistar
    Golden Alistar
    Uncle Ryze
    Lumberjack Sion
    Hextech Sion
    Astronaut Teemo
    Cottontail Teemo
    Celestine Soraka
    Feral Warwick
    Tundra Hunter Warwick
    Buccaneer Tristana
    Demonblade Tyrndamere
    Frejlord Ashe
    Woad Ashe
    Amethyst Ashe
    Sinful Succulence Morgana
    Ghost Bride Morgana
    Justicar AAtrox
    Angler Jax
    Pax Jax
    Nemesis Jax
    ********* Singed
    Masquerade Evelynn
    Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath
    Phantom Karthus
    Statue of Karthus
    Grim Reaper Karthus
    Bird of Prey Anivia
    Masked Shaco
    Almost Prom King Amumu
    Full Metal Rammus
    Deep One Kassadin
    Frostblade Irelia
    Nightblade Irelia
    Dragonwing Corki
    Special Forces Gangplank
    Spooky Gangplank
    Leprechaun Veigar
    Officer Caitlyn
    Northern Front Swain
    Slay Belle Katarina
    Glacial Malphite
    Boom Boom Blitzcrank
    Riot Blitzcrank
    Warring Kingdoms Jarvin IV
    Bloodfury Renekton
    Pool Party Renekton
    Eternum Nocturne
    Zombie Brand
    Jade Dragon Wukong
    Bladecraft Orianna
    Victorious Elise
    Death Blossom Elise
    Rumble in the Jungle
    Desperadea Cassiopeia
    Muay Thai Lee Sin
    Dragon Fist Lee Sin
    Vindicator Vayne
    Leopard Nidalee
    French Maid Nidalee
    Black Belt Udyr
    Spirit Guard Udyr
    Gragas, ESQ
    Kennen M.D.
    Karate Kennen
    Silverfang Akali
    Steel Legion Garen
    Desert Trooper Garen
    Pulsefire Ezreal
    Mymidon Pantheon
    Full Metal Pantheon
    Pentakill Yorick
    Infernal Mordekaiser
    Battle Bunny Riven
    Shadow Price Malzahar
    Foxfire Ahri
    Dynasty Ahri
    Scorched Earth Xerath
    Warlord Shen
    Sorceress Lux
    Arclight Varus
    Headhunter Rengar
    Mafia Graves
    Riot Graves
    Tundra Fizz
    Fisherman Fizz
    Soul Reaver Draven
    Snow Day Ziggs
    Full Metal Jayce
    Debonair Jayce
    Bioforge Darius
    Mecha Kha'Zix
    Headless Hecarim
    Dark Valkyrie Diana
    Pheonix Quinn
    Justicar Syndra
    High Noon Yasuo
    Shockblade Zed
    Neon Strike Vi

    Conditions for the trade:

    We will use an official middleman
    If you don't want to use a middleman, You trade me the knife first.
    Last edited by FataLz; 06-08-2014 at 07:19 AM.

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