Add me on skype: tom.scherrer

Final price $135 AUD paypal only.

this account has 110 champs and 79 skins (best skins Pax Jax, Pax jax)
good runes. 12 pages
Silver 5 ranking
add me on skype for screen share for proof of all skins.
Also has a good 4 Letter in game name.
You go first. im not.

Champ and skin list:
-Akali (silverfang akali)
-Amumu (Almost-Prom King Amumu)
-Annie (goth Annie)
-Blitzcrank (boom boom blitzcrank, Riot blitzcrank)
-Caitlyn (officer caitlyn)
-Cassiopeia (jade fang cassiopeia)
-Darius (Lord Darius, Woad king Darius)
-Dr Mundo ( Mr mundoverse)
-Draven (gladiator)
-Ezreal (nottingham)
-Fizz (fisherman fizz)
-Garen (desert trooper, Steel legion)
-Hecarim (Arcade hecarim)
-Irelia (frostbutt irelia)
-Jarvan IV (Commando Jarvan)
-Jax (Angler Jax, Pax Jax)
-Jayce (Full metal Jayce)
-Karthus (pentakill Karthus)
-Kassadin (deep one Kassadin)
-Katarina (bildgewater Katarina)
-Kennen (Swamp Kennen,Kennen MD)
-LeBlanc (Prestious LeBlanc, Mistle toe LeBlanc)
-Lee Sin (Muay Thai Lee Sin)
-Leona (valkyrie Leona)
-Lux (Spellthief Lux, Commando Lux, Imperial Lux)
-Malphite (marble malphite, Obsidian Malphite)
-Malzahar (Shadow Prince Malzahar)
-Master yi (samurai yi)
-Nidalee (Leopard Nidalee, Snow Bunny)
-Nunu (nunu bot)
-Olaf (forsaken Olaf,Brolaf, Pentakill Olaf)
-Rengar (night hunter Rengar)
-Riven (Battle bunny Riven, Redeemed Riven)
-Shaco (workshop shaco, Mad hatter shaco, royal Shaco)
-Shen (frozen shen, yellowjacket shen)
-Singed (*********)
-Sion (Hextech Sion)
-Sivir (Huntress Sivir)
-Soraka (celestine Soraka)
-Taric (Armor of the 5th age taric <3)
-Teemo (Happy elf teemo, recon teemo, Badger teemo, cottontail teemo, Panda teemo)
-Tristana (guerilla tristana, firefighter tristana)
-Trundle (Lil'Slugger trundle)
-Tryndamere (highland tryndamere)
-Twisted fate (Pax Twisted fate, The magnificent Twisted fate)
-Twitch (gangsta twitch)
-Varus (arctic ops varus)
-Vayne (dragonslayer vayne)
-Vel'Koz (battlecast vel'Koz)
-Vi (Neon Strike Vi, Officer vi)
-Xerath (Runeborn Xerath)
-Xin Zhao
-Yasuo (High noon Yasuo)
-Zilean (groovy Zilean)