Both Donmadawg and the OP need to shut the fuck up.
I bet both of you are scrawny little cocksuckers in real life. Heck, I bet none of you even took the jump to enter the life of drugs. Somehow, conveying that you smoke pot in the internet automatically makes you "e-cool".
What's the matter? You fail in life so much that you need to justify your reason for existence in a loosely-constructed medium?

Furthermore, both of you assume that claiming you're a drug-addict on the internet gives you some kind of meritorious honor. Sorry, but I beg to differ. You can be the richest guy in the world. You can sleep with 1000 girls. Just know that no one here cares about how well or how bad your life is.
The only thing we can do to people like you 2 is laugh at your feeble attempts to act cool but end up looking like imbeciles.