SOOOO! heres my happy poem!

Buttefly, oh butterfly
Do you like my striped bow-tie?
Do you like to fly
Do you like to fly
Do you like to fly, in the sky?

Do you like pie?
Would you like to try?
My, oh my
I like pie..

Big bologna (bow-low-knee, for those of you who dont know how to read)
I see a tree
I see a bee
It comes to me
I smack it swiftly
I pee on the bee
It burns quickly
My yellow pee
Now turns to green
The grass is yellow
Do you know why?
Because my WEENIE cried
And then the grass died
But now it is a ghost
Making a post
I like the letter H
Because it sounds like H
Because H is cool
I like pools..
Do you drool?
I drool..
I like Bob..
Bob is cool..
He likes the pool..
He likes to drool..
Bob is cool, because he likes bananas..
I like bananas..
Britney Spears..
Likes monkeys..
Kevin Federline
Likes Money..
Miley Cyrus
Likes..... stripper poles!