Well, I have a lot of boosting experience, boosting more than 30 people to the ranks that they desire! The boosting is cheap, and there are two ways of doing it. The first one, for the ones that are paranoid, I will duo with you and carry you until you get the rank that you wanted. The second way is by giving me your account, which may not sound safe to you, but I assure you that it is. I have never scammed anyone and I do not intend to. Now that you know the methods, the payment! I accept CS:GO keys and paypal money! If I like a skin you are offering, I might accept it. Now, about the prices. If I am boosting you in Silver, the price is low, meaning 1 key per rank. If you are in Gold, the price is 3 keys per rank. If you are in Master Guardian, 5 keys per rank and so on, the price getting 2 key higher per division.
If you will pay with Paypal, then the prices are: 1.7$ per rank if you are in Silver, 5$ if you are in Gold, 8.3$ if you are in MG and so on, the price increasing by 3.3$ per division.... Note: You will have to pay me the copies/keys first. If you pay me by paypal, you need to pay half the price before and the other half after the boost.
Here is my skype id if you want to contact me: bogdancool3
and the steam id is apaplatadoi. Note: the steam id that i gave you is my smurf that is only in MG.