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  1. #1
    `Rejected's Avatar
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    `Rejected's Vouch Profile! Detailed and Best Vouches!

    `Rejected's Vouching Services
    Ye Da No.1 Voucher in da WORLD

    Username: `Rejected

    Country: Australia

    Trades Completed: 20+

    Vouch Copies Completed: 20+

    Preferred Method of Contact: I would prefer if you send me a PM as I am constantly checking MPGH.

    Why pick me: I am a very trustworthy individual in this community, if you take a look at my profile you can see that I am a Donator and currently have over 5,200 Thanks to my name and over 3,000 posts and 500 Rep. Also as you can see from my previous vouches I do not just post little sentences and do everything quickly, I will look over your service and provide a detailed and extensive vouch that will help people understand what your service is about and improve your sales.

    Last Update: 14/04/2015

    PREVIOUS VOUCHES (These are the ones I could find)

    Quote Originally Posted by `Rejected View Post
    Vouch Review
    The first thing I would say is that the price of this ebook is definitely worth it, there is so much potential of earning money from this because with PayDay you get 5 methods that can easily make you money, there are also 3 bonus ebooks aswell! Each method in PayDay is in a lot of detail and if you can't understand the text then he also provides pictures in case you don't get it, these methods are very different from each other apart from 3/4 and are not blackhat/illegal in any way! Some on these methods require a little bit of work it seems to be able to start getting money and keep it going but he has methods in there to help you make it autopilot. I have to say this is one of the best methods I have seen in a long time on this forum that doesn't seem saturated and has a lot of potential to make a lot of money!

    Originality - 10/10
    Mentions being sold on another forum by a different person to OP but he has shown me has has permission to resell! Also I have not seen these methods before!

    Price - 8/10
    It's a good price and you will EASILY make your money back. You can try each method to see which one works and gives you the most money!

    Support - 9/10
    OP Is very helpful as I was asking questions about this ebook and even told me which ones he would recommend for making money off his own personal experience!

    Compatibility - 9/10
    This works WORLDWIDE! Each method works worldwide and can be changed to suit where you live!

    Time and Effort - 8/10
    It may take some time to set this up depending on what method you choose but you could easily make up to $200 depending on how determined you are and certain methods you choose!

    Ease of Use - 8/10
    An extremely easy method to use as this ebook contains many pictures as well as OP giving you support on the way in order to make money back!

    Content - 10/10
    This Ebook has so many methods to making money and the thing is each one has the potential to make soo much money! There is a lot of content to PayDay and it is definitely worth checking out.

    Overall Rating - 9/10
    PayDay looks like a great method to receiving money from its various methods that can range from little to no time to setup and autopiloting or being determined and putting some work in order to receive a lot more. Overall this is one of the best methods of making money that I have had to vouch for!

    Quote Originally Posted by `Rejected View Post
    Vouch Review

    Personally I have never tried E-Whoring as I didn't think much of it and I didn't believe it yielded that much money, After reading this ebook and noticing how much potential it has I will definitely be investing a lot of time into this method as it has the potential to bring in a lot of money while literally sitting back and doing nothing after about 1 hour of work at the start to set it up. This method involves a short set up and then after that it is completely autopilot and the amount of time you do put into the method the more result and more money you can bring in. To be honest I believe that $20 and $25 for this method is cheap, you can make so much money with this method and I believe OP could easily be selling it for a lot more so you guys are very lucky.

    Originality - 10/10

    I have never seen this method before and to me it seems like a very professional and unique method that will definitely bring money in and I mean a lot of money. Ebook has OP's name in it so it is completely his method and unsaturated.

    Price - 8/10

    As I said in the first part, the price of this ebook I consider very very cheap for this ebook. This ebook is very professional and the layout is very easy to understand and he provides many pictures. If I was OP I would sell this for at least $40

    Support - 9/10

    With this ebook you basically don't need any support at all, The Ebook is so detailed and pictures are also provided so basically you won't need support it is that simple and easy. All you need is paypal, internet and a brain and you are good to go! Predator is very professional and friendly and I know that if anyone needed help he would do so as much as possible.

    Compatibility - 9/10

    This method will work for whatever country you are in, all you need is to have internet it doesn't matter at all and it doesn't matter how smart/stupid you are.

    Time and Effort - 8/10

    This method is fully autopilot, that is after you have set it up. Set up can take from 30 minutes and onward, based on how much time you put into it basically determines how much money you want to make. Even if you only put a short amount of time you will still be making a lot of money and easily make back what you paid.

    Ease of Use - 8/10

    An extremely easy ebook to understand, OP provides pictures and going extremely into detail to help the buyer as much as possible. You can do this at any age and is extremely easy.

    Content - 10/10

    This is the most professional ebook I have ever seen. This ebook goes so indepth into detail and OP has put so much into it to help you out and get you making your money. It is just filled with information and pictures to help you through and explains everything you need to know.

    Overall Rating - 9/10

    This ebook is just absolutely amazing, probably the best ebook I have personally ever seen. There is so much potential to make so much money its just unbelievable, also it being autopilot is just outstanding it is truly an amazing ebook and anyone that buys it will be happy. I still stand that OP should actually raise the price of the ebook due to just how good it is. Kudos Predator with this amazing ebook it is very professional and the layout of it is perfect, Good luck with your sales!

    Quote Originally Posted by `Rejected View Post
    Vouch Review

    This ebook surprised me as to do a Sur vey it only takes bout 1 minute of your time, the method itself takes about 5-10 minutes to set up but the ebook explains how to go through that stage very easy and with pictures. Once you have that first setup done then you go through the Sur veys very fast and with little to no effort at all. This method is very well explained and I think it is a great price aswell, I even think it might be a bit cheap as what you can make off this is very high. This method fully shows how to bypass the Sur veys and it works for a number of websites, if you ever get stuck then Pepsi was always there to help me and was very kind to walk me through it. This method is really good 9/10 and would recommend it to anyone and Pepsi is a great guy and helps as much as he can aswell, GLWS Pepsi!

    Quote Originally Posted by `Rejected View Post
    Vouch Review

    This method shows you how to get game free with very little effort and time. You will not get the game that you want 100%, sometimes it doesn't work and sometimes it does. Heroic says that it will not work on the latest titles but I believe if you try hard enough that it will work but it would just take more time and effort, so basically I believe you can get any game from this method.

    Originality - 7/10

    I have seen methods to get free games that involve things in this method but Heroic has put in more detail and I haven't seen this method of doing it before. It is a bit unique and interesting and is easy to set up and do.

    Price - 10/10
    The price of this method is very cheap as you can get basically any game and easily make your money back, seeing how Heroic is only selling 5 copies means that this method won't go saturated and basically this method won't stop working for a long time.

    Support - 10/10

    This method is very straight forward and I don't see myself ever needing to have to ask Heroic for support as he has made it so easy and simple to understand. He provides all the steps you will need and even after reading it once you will know what to do every time.

    Compatibility - 10/10

    This method can work for any game in any country, it will work anywhere.

    Time and Effort - 10/10

    With this method you can get games constantly, it depends on how much time and effort you put into it. You can try to get multiple games at the same time and just wait for them to roll in. The amount of games you get depends on the amount of time and effort spent.

    Ease of Use - 10/10

    This is one of the most simple and easiest methods I have come across to get free games and it doesn't have many steps to get started and you can choose whatever game you want. It is easy to remember and you can do this method multiple times with ease.

    Content - 10/10

    This method provides you will steps to get as many free games as you want. It comes with 7 easy steps to remember and use.

    Overall Rating - 9/10
    This is a very easy and cheap method to get free games and because Heroic is selling only 5 copies means that it will be less saturated which means the longer it will work and more games you will get! I will definitely be trying this method with the games that I have been wanting and so should you!

    Quote Originally Posted by `Rejected View Post
    Vouch Review
    This is a very simple and easy ebook if you are looking to want to learn how to refund items or even get a replacement for yourself instead of having to pay for yourself which is very helpful in my opinion. This ebook also shows you how to avoid getting banned from amazon with easy steps and tips that can help you if you ever plan on doing amazon refunds. OP really makes amazon refunds look easy to do and I never knew it was this simple to do it myself until now!

    Originality - 8/10
    I have seen previous methods on how to do amazon refunds but they were never in this detail and so simple to do, this one also shows you how even get refunds on items if they have been signed and I have personally not seen this before.

    Price - 10/10
    The price of this ebook is definitely worth it, if you really think about it $5 is nothing and you will definitely feel good with buying this ebook as you can get basically any item up to $1000 for free!

    Support - 10/10
    To be honest most people that buy this ebook will not need any support at all, it is literally that simple and easy to do that I think even a 12 year old could do this without asking questions.

    Compatibility - 9/10
    Yes this ebook works worldwide as long as the item is fulfilled and shipped by amazon and that it ships to your address.

    Time and Effort - 10/10
    When you receive your item it literally takes about 5-10 minutes to get your refund processing which then takes about 1-3 days for it to appear on either your amazon balance or bank account/credit card.

    Ease of Use - 10/10
    This is an extremely easy method that is just so simple that you won't even need to ask questions as OP has examples and has just made the ebook that easy to understand!

    Content - 10/10
    OP shows you in this ebook how to successfully refund/replace and even double dip an item that you have received from amazon without any help and with ease. He also shows you how to avoid being banned by amazon in a way that cannot be saturated or patched which I think is very good!

    Overall Rating - 10/10
    OP is advertising exactly what he is selling, and that is a way for people to learn how to either refund/replace and double dip items from amazon with ease and it is just so simple! I think that this is one of the best ebooks on the marketplace at the moment as I have hardly seen anyone try to sell these methods as very few people actually know how it works!

    @Itachi Uchiha! Sorry for taking so long for the vouch haha!

    Quote Originally Posted by `Rejected View Post
    Vouch Review
    I was very shocked while reading this method because it is just that easy and simple to do. This method only takes about 4 steps to do in order to get your game is just great and the steps are so simple and easy, to make them even easier OP even put in some pictures for help. This method is in no way like Steam Santa and does not involve Steam Trading in order to get these games. This method involves no investment, it is basically games for FREE!

    Originality - 10/10
    I have never seen this method before and the originality of it is great, I would have never thought of this method and it is extremely simple and easy to do!

    Price - 9/10
    The price of this is great and will easily be worth it because just for that one time payment you are receiving free games for as long as you want, you would be a fool to consider the price of this and I think it is worth it especially the GOLD package if you want to get constant updates and support if you need it.

    Support - 9/10
    The ebook itself comes with lots of support with a step by step guide and pictures as well if you still do not get what you are doing, OP also has his Silver package and Gold package with both come with even more support in case you need it.

    Compatibility - 9/10
    This Ebook does work WORLDWIDE and I don't see why anyone wouldn't be able to use it.

    Time and Effort - 10/10
    This would only take about 10 minutes to setup to be able to get your game and then waiting for the game can vary from game to game.

    Ease of Use - 9/10
    This is an extremely easy method that is just so simple to do that with support as well with the Silver and Gold packages will just make it that easy that you can learn it off by heart.

    Content - 10/10
    There are 7 steps of content in this book explaining how to do the method and explaining what the method is!

    Overall Rating - 9/10
    This is one of the best methods I have seen to get games as it does not need any investment at all, I mean its literally FREE GAMES. Definitely recommend this to all people that are considering buying this ebook as it will be well worth it!

    Quote Originally Posted by `Rejected View Post
    Vouch Review

    This is a very unique method that I have not seen before, it has very good detail and grammar in it and explains everything without the need of pictures or support. This method is very easy to do but it requires a certain process that is not to long or to short. The method itself is Social Engineering but I personally don't see the problem with that and think that it is very easy to obtain these codes with very little effort at all. This method seems to be a tweak of another method to make it better as far as I can see that is the truth, the other method seems to need the person to put some sort of investment in order to start receiving the codes while with this one you do not. Overall this is a very good method for those of you that do play xbox and are in need of membership without having to pay, good job to OP for making a very good method and I wish him good luck with his sales.

    Quote Originally Posted by `Rejected View Post
    Vouch Review!

    I have received the vouch copy of this eBook and sorry for the late vouch, I have never seen this method before and it seems like you could easily make your money back within the first week. OP did show me some proof of payments through this method and I am trying it at this moment, I will post when I get some results. This method only takes about 10-20 minutes a day and that is if you want to, the amount of what you will earn is how long or how much effort you want to put into it. Only downfall I have seen so far is that if you are not from the United States then you will have to acquire a VPN which is not that hard to find, after you have set it up then you will no longer require it. This method does not require any type of investment it is simply just looking up websites and certain things and then you are done. The price is a little bit over I would say to set the price to around 15-25 dollars even thought you can make that money back within a week and even double it or triple it. This eBook comes with pictures as well with the steps in case you don't get it which makes it really easy to understand. I think this is a very good eBook and buyers would have a lot of potential to make money back, GLWS OP!

    Thanks for having a look at my thread!
    Last edited by `Rejected; 04-13-2015 at 10:54 AM.

    And be thankful that you thanked me
    Im so wise

    Send me a PM or at me on skype
    Skype - theretardedpig

  2. #2
    Wolf0ne's Avatar
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    Mar 2015
    Amazing vouchs and reviews,the guy is very friendly too.
    Would definitely recommend him

  3. #3
    bladez360's Avatar
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    Apr 2015

    Beware: Scammer, Kind of figured from the beginning it was but hey it was only 10 bucks that I got for free so I didnt lose out to much.
    I dont believe this is you.... Maybe/maybe not but its deff someone acting like you
    Asked you to add me to friends you did... Asked me to provide proof of you logged in and you did....
    skype names are different
    as soon as you logged off skype your account logged off hear... so ya....
    I Have a paypal dispute open...

    [7:59:57 AM] Rejected: i refunded back to you
    [8:00:02 AM] James I guess that chat is messed up
    [8:00:07 AM] Rejected: yea
    [8:00:13 AM] Rejected: tommyman87yahoo
    [8:00:15 AM] Rejected: send here mate
    [8:00:22 AM] Rejected: for family that one was pending
    [8:00:28 AM] Rejected: i just refunded back to you
    [8:00:31 AM] James any reason not use goods and services?
    [8:00:38 AM] Rejected: because it pending
    [8:00:56 AM] Rejected: need to wait 21 days to be avaialbe
    [8:01:06 AM] Rejected: or i can request from you if you want 10 euros
    [8:01:09 AM] James oh wow paypals dumb
    [8:01:13 AM] Rejected:
    [8:01:14 AM] James Sure
    [8:01:21 AM] Rejected: give me your paypal addres mate
    [8:01:27 AM] James
    [8:01:51 AM] Rejected: will be 11.00 euro instead of 10.00 because like you said the dumb paypal will take a fee
    [8:01:53 AM] Rejected: okey?
    [8:01:58 AM] James kk
    [8:02:13 AM] Rejected: done mate
    [8:02:18 AM] Rejected: tell me when you accepted
    [8:04:06 AM] James kk I accepted that
    [8:04:10 AM] Rejected: oky i check now
    [8:04:22 AM] James 1 sec
    [8:04:27 AM] James need to click another accept
    [8:04:29 AM] Rejected: it still pending
    [8:04:30 AM] Rejected: okey mate
    [8:04:38 AM] James its done
    [8:05:24 AM] Rejected: okey i check now
    [8:05:59 AM] Rejected: KAZXZ-AJAZ2 this is the first part of key
    [8:06:19 AM] Rejected: when you send the rest of 10 i will copy paste the other one it ok ?
    [8:06:34 AM] Rejected: copy that part of key
    [8:06:36 AM] Rejected: in steam please
    [8:07:14 AM] James You know
    [8:07:17 AM] Rejected: and i will request again 10 euros and when you will accepted will be copy paste here the final part of key here
    [8:07:17 AM] James I thought we agreed
    [8:07:21 AM] James it would not be half a key
    [8:07:32 AM] James Half key is not worth anything
    [8:07:35 AM] Rejected: yea but i am fucking reputated man
    [8:07:37 AM] James half money is
    [8:07:50 AM] Rejected: the thing is i am a honest man and i want you to trust me
    [8:07:55 AM] Rejected: i showed my profile
    [8:07:56 AM] Rejected: my vouches
    [8:07:58 AM] James Your not honest
    [8:08:04 AM] James You agreed
    [8:08:05 AM] Rejected: you don't have rep mate
    [8:08:06 AM] James no half key
    [8:08:19 AM] Rejected: look after i request the final part of 10 i copy paste the final part here
    [8:08:25 AM] Rejected: and it fair for both of us
    [8:08:37 AM] James Its not fair
    [8:08:38 AM] Rejected: you don't have rep on ******* i dont' say you are a bad person
    [8:08:40 AM] James you lied
    [8:08:43 AM] Rejected: why ?
    [8:08:47 AM] Rejected: but now you trust me
    [8:08:54 AM] Rejected: when we spoke on *******
    [8:08:59 AM] Rejected: you didn't trusted me
    [8:09:07 AM] James I dont trust you now man....
    [8:09:08 AM] Rejected: now at least you see i have right a
    [8:09:11 AM] James Esp after you lied
    [8:09:14 AM] James and gave me half a key
    [8:09:21 AM] Rejected: well i though it more fair
    [8:09:25 AM] Rejected: for both of us
    [8:09:31 AM] Rejected: plus i have reputation on mpgh
    [8:09:33 AM] Rejected: and vouches
    [8:09:35 AM] Rejected: you don't have mate
    [8:09:40 AM] Rejected: you can report me if don't work the key anytime
    [8:09:50 AM] James No.
    [8:09:53 AM] James I either want my money back
    [8:09:55 AM] James or full key
    [8:10:02 AM] Rejected: okey iwill gave you the full key
    [8:10:24 AM] Rejected: i copy paste the final part
    [8:10:34 AM] James K..
    [8:10:49 AM] Rejected: -AJAK8
    [8:11:31 AM] Rejected: wored?
    [8:11:33 AM] Rejected: worked*
    [8:11:41 AM] James Nope is it steam?
    [8:11:53 AM] Rejected: try AUK1L
    [8:11:54 AM] James KAZXZ-AJAZ2- is the full code i posted
    [8:12:23 AM] James KAZXZ-AJAZ2 same issue
    [8:12:32 AM] Rejected: look if you send the rest of 10 i give you another code
    [8:12:33 AM] Rejected: it ok ?
    [8:13:00 AM] James ummmm no
    [8:13:06 AM] Rejected: okey then bye

    Scammer info

    Paypal scamming emails
    tommyman87(at) yahoo com
    mirctwin (at)yahoo com

    gmail email
    bogdannasa (at) gmail com
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails


    Last edited by bladez360; 04-26-2015 at 10:17 AM.

  4. #4
    `Rejected's Avatar
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    @bladez360 Yeah that ain't me man, have you done a scammer report? My skypes profile name is theretardedpig and also that is not my skype picture or email. Sorry that you lost $10 for this hopefully you win the dispute.

    And be thankful that you thanked me
    Im so wise

    Send me a PM or at me on skype
    Skype - theretardedpig

  5. #5
    Luke1337's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Sent you a Skype, to vouch an a topic, I will send an account over when you are online

  6. #6
    `Rejected's Avatar
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    Basement :D
    I'm back bitches

    And be thankful that you thanked me
    Im so wise

    Send me a PM or at me on skype
    Skype - theretardedpig

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