

I would like to share you my script : Radiospam

With that baby, you can spam a radio command in the game. It's automatic : if you are moving (forward/back/left/right), it automatically spam the radio command you have chosen. No need to spam a button. You have only a bind to on/off the radio spam !

Absolutely no risk of being autokicked !

You can use a second bind to mute the radio sounds, to not being spammed (other players hear your spam, don't worry).

Instructions :

  • Create a .cfg file named "radiospam" in cstrike/cfg folder
  • Paste the code (see below)
  • Config the script : you must replace the *** (6 compulsory settings)
  • Save radiospam.cfg
  • Add the line "exec radiospam" in autoexec.cfg
  • Ingame, just press the chosen bind to enable/disable Radiospam (move in the map for spamming)

Counter-Strike Source :

//   Only replace the *** (keep the commas)

// Bind to enable/disable Radiospam (must be free)
bind "***" toggle_radiospam

// You can use this bind to enable/disable radio sounds, to not get spammed (optional)
bind "***" ignorerad

// Radio command spammed (list available below)
alias radiocmd "***"

// Current bind to move forward (ex: w, z, uparrow...)
bind "***" +f1

// Current bind to move back (ex: s, downarrow...)
bind "***" +b1

// Current bind to strafe left (ex: a, q, leftarrow...)
bind "***" +ml1

// Current bind to strafe right (ex: d, rightarrow...)
bind "***" +mr1


// Cover me : coverme
// You take the point : takepoint
// Hold this position : holdpos
// Regroup team : regroup
// Follow me : followme
// Taking fire... need assistance : takingfire
// Go go go : go
// Team, fall back : fallback
// Stick together, team : sticktog
// Get in position and wait for my go : getinpos
// Storm the front : stormfront
// Report in, team : report
// Affirmative/Roger that : roger
// Enemy spotted : enemyspot
// Need backup : needbackup
// Sector clear : sectorclear
// I'm in position : inposition
// Reporting in : reportingin
// Get out of there, it's gonna blow : getout
// Negative : negative
// Enemy down : enemydown


alias +f1 "+forward"
alias -f1 "-forward"
alias +b1 "+back"
alias -b1 "-back"
alias +ml1 "+moveleft"
alias -ml1 "-moveleft"
alias +mr1 "+moveright"
alias -mr1 "-moveright"

alias +f2 "+forward;radiocmd"
alias -f2 "-forward;radiocmd"
alias +b2 "+back;radiocmd"
alias -b2 "-back;radiocmd"
alias +ml2 "+moveleft;radiocmd"
alias -ml2 "-moveleft;radiocmd"
alias +mr2 "+moveright;radiocmd"
alias -mr2 "-moveright;radiocmd"

alias toggle_radiospam toggle_rs_on

alias toggle_rs_on "alias toggle_radiospam toggle_rs_off;alias +f1 +f2;alias -f1 -f2;alias +b1 +b2;alias -b1 -b2;alias +ml1 +ml2;alias -ml1 -ml2;alias +mr1 +mr2;alias -mr1 -mr2"
alias toggle_rs_off "alias toggle_radiospam toggle_rs_on;alias +f1 +forward;alias -f1 -forward;alias +b1 +back;alias -b1 -back;alias +ml1 +moveleft;alias -ml1 -moveleft;alias +mr1 +moveright;alias -mr1 -moveright"

Counter-Strike Global Offensive :

//   Only replace the *** (keep the commas)

// Bind to enable/disable Radiospam (must be free)
bind "***" toggle_radiospam

// You can use this bind to enable/disable radio sounds, to not get spammed (optional)
bind "***" ignorerad

// Radio command spammed (list available below)
alias radiocmd "***"

// Current bind to move forward (ex: w, z, uparrow...)
bind "***" +f1

// Current bind to move back (ex: s, downarrow...)
bind "***" +b1

// Current bind to strafe left (ex: a, q, leftarrow...)
bind "***" +ml1

// Current bind to strafe right (ex: d, rightarrow...)
bind "***" +mr1


// Go go go : go
// Team, fall back : fallback
// Stick together, team : sticktog
// Hold this position : holdpos
// Follow me : followme
// Affirmative/Roger that : roger
// Negative : negative
// Cheer : cheer
// Nice : compliment
// Thanks : thanks
// Enemy spotted : enemyspot
// Need backup : needbackup
// You take the point : takepoint
// Sector clear : sectorclear
// I'm in position : inposition
// Cover me : coverme
// Regroup team : regroup
// Taking fire... need assistance : takingfire
// Report in, team : report
// Reporting in : reportingin
// Get out of there, it's gonna blow : getout
// Enemy down : enemydown


alias +f1 "+forward"
alias -f1 "-forward"
alias +b1 "+back"
alias -b1 "-back"
alias +ml1 "+moveleft"
alias -ml1 "-moveleft"
alias +mr1 "+moveright"
alias -mr1 "-moveright"

alias +f2 "+forward;radiocmd"
alias -f2 "-forward;radiocmd"
alias +b2 "+back;radiocmd"
alias -b2 "-back;radiocmd"
alias +ml2 "+moveleft;radiocmd"
alias -ml2 "-moveleft;radiocmd"
alias +mr2 "+moveright;radiocmd"
alias -mr2 "-moveright;radiocmd"

alias toggle_radiospam toggle_rs_on

alias toggle_rs_on "alias toggle_radiospam toggle_rs_off;alias +f1 +f2;alias -f1 -f2;alias +b1 +b2;alias -b1 -b2;alias +ml1 +ml2;alias -ml1 -ml2;alias +mr1 +mr2;alias -mr1 -mr2"
alias toggle_rs_off "alias toggle_radiospam toggle_rs_on;alias +f1 +forward;alias -f1 -forward;alias +b1 +back;alias -b1 -back;alias +ml1 +moveleft;alias -ml1 -moveleft;alias +mr1 +moveright;alias -mr1 -moveright"

Have fun !
