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    Grim's Avatar
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    WPS Auto-Click -- AutoIt 3 SOURCE + TUT

    I'm going to show you how to make your own Auto-Click program.. Auto-Click is a simple program that scans your monitor for a pixel color and clicks your mouse for you when it finds it.

    FIRST -- We need all the correct files to begin scripting in AutoIt v3.
    The VERY First thing we need to download and install is AutoIt 3 itself... here's the link https://www.autoitscrip*****m/cgi-bin/...t-v3-setup.exe
    The Second thing we need to download and install is the current beta version.. here's the link https://www.autoitscrip*****m/autoit3/...beta-setup.exe
    The Third thing we need to download and install is the Script Editor for AutoIt which is SciTE.. here's the link https://www.autoitscrip*****m/cgi-bin/...TE4AutoIt3.exe


    SECOND -- We need to open up SciTE Script Editor and SAVE a BLANK file. We do this because the actual Tools menu is only available on a previously saved project.. If you click on the Tools menu before saving you'll see it has about 5 things, when if you click on it AFTER you save, it'll have a nice list going all the way down your screen.

    Once you've saved your Blank file, click on the Tools menu and find "Koda(FormDesigner)" which the hotkey is Alt+M. This is the most basic of things to play with.. its the actual set up of your GUI or User Interface.

    What you want to do first is set up how you want your Interface to look. Size, Background, Controls, Title, etc, etc..

    For the purposes of this Tutorial and your learning, i want you to make the GUI 100 in height, and 300 in width. Set the Background Color to Black, and Set the Title / Caption to "Combat Arms Auto-Click".

    From this point you need to think about the controls your Interface should have. Since this is one of the MOST basic things you can possibly make in AutoIt, we only need something to determine the sleep time, since every computer is different, and one sleep time will work perfectly for one person while it lags the hell out of another. So you have a few choices here.

    1) Input Box - Allows The User To Manually Input Their Own Sleep Time.
    2) Slider - Allows The User To Choose From A Range Of Sleep Time.
    3) Radio Buttons - Allows The User To Choose From A Set Of Choices.
    4) Combo Box - Also Allows The User To Choose From A Set Of Choices.

    Here's the ups and downs of your choices.

    1) Does Allow The User To Manually Input Their Own Sleep Time, BUT Most Users Wont Know What To Set It As
    2) Does Allow The User To Choose From A Range, BUT The Users Won't Know What The Sleep Time Is Set To.
    3) Radio Buttons Suck.. Plain And Simple.
    4) Combo Box's are useful. This Way You Can Set A Drop Down List Of Settings You Previously Defined, Making It Easy For The Users To Choose What They Want.

    For The Purpose Of This Tutorial And Your Learning, We Are Doing Choices 1, 2 and 4.. Radio Buttons Suck Like I Said.

    So Inside Koda You Need To Set An Input Box On The Interface. Input Boxes Are On The "Standard" Tab At The Top Of Koda. To Make Sure That This Doesn't Conflict With The Other Controls We're Going To Put It At The TOP Of The Interface.. Once you have it at the top, Click "Edit" menu and go down to align.. we want to Center Horizontally so that the Control will be in the middle of the GUI.

    Next We Want To Add The Slider. Sliders Are On The Win32 Tab Of Koda. We want to place this directly under the input box. I recommend making the width of the Slider match the width of the GUI.. it just looks better that way. Also you will want to decrease the size in height for the Slider, since default is too big and looks kinda gay.

    And Finally We Want To Add The Combo Box. Combo Boxes Are On The "Standard" Tab Of Koda. Set this at the bottom and just like the input box go "Edit>Align>Center Horizontally in Window"

    Thats It For The GUI.. BE SURE TO GO INTO THE OPTIONS MENU AND CLICK ON OPTIONS (hotkey CTRL+K), ONCE INSIDE THE OPTIONS WINDOW CLICK ON "Code Generator" AND MAKE SURE THAT "Generate OnEvent Code" IS CHECKED. Then Click "Tools>Generate Form Code".. If It Worked Properly You Should Have This Script

    #include <ComboConstants.au3>
    #include <EditConstants.au3>
    #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
    #include <SliderConstants.au3>
    #include <WindowsConstants.au3>
    Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)
    #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
    $Form1 = GUICreate("Combat Arms Auto-Click", 301, 101, 290, 205)
    $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Input1", 92, 7, 121, 21)
    $Slider1 = GUICtrlCreateSlider(0, 31, 300, 30)
    $Combo1 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Combo1", 78, 70, 145, 25)
    #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
    While 1
    If you got something different, Close out of Koda and reopen it to redo the previous steps.. should only take about 30 seconds.. if you didnt get the code above its because the Generate OnEvent Code did not take effect, so simply re run Koda to have it work properly.


    THIRD -- We need to set up the Controls for the Interface

    The first control we're going to set up is the Input Box.. This one is easy since all we need to do is change the Caption from Input1 to 10. So we need to change $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Input1", 92, 7, 121, 21) to $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("10", 92, 7, 121, 21).. easy enough. We're setting the Caption to 10 because thats the lowest sleep time you want to allow for your program. doesn't matter if its this program or any other.

    Next we need to set up the Slider.. This one is easy as well, just a bit different. We need to set the limit for the slider by using GUICtrlSetLimit().

    When we use GUICtrl commands all we need to do for the controlID is "-1" to tell it that we are setting the previously defined control. So UNDER $Slider1 we need to add GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 100, 10) which sets the slider limit max at 100 and the min at 10. For this control we would like it to match the background of the interface so that it doesnt look retarded. so we add another GUICtrl command below GUICtrlSetLimit() and that is GUICtrlSetBkColor().. add GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) to set the background color to black so that it matches the GUI.

    Next is the Combo Box.. Combo Box Is A Little Difficult. We need to set the Data or Choices for the drop down. So we need to do GUICtrlSetData().. That Ctrl command is simple and easy to use, but for combo boxes it gets kinda confusing. Below $Combo1 we need to add GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Slow|Medium|Fast") << the choices are seperated by | which is "Shift + \". The data must be inside quotes for them to not have a syntax error. Then just change the Caption from "Combo1" to "Speed Settings"

    Now Your Script Should Look Like This

    #include <ComboConstants.au3>
    #include <EditConstants.au3>
    #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
    #include <SliderConstants.au3>
    #include <WindowsConstants.au3>
    Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)
    #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
    $Form1 = GUICreate("Combat Arms Auto-Click", 301, 101, 290, 205)
    $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("10", 92, 7, 121, 21)
    $Slider1 = GUICtrlCreateSlider(0, 31, 300, 30)
    GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 100, 10)
    GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000)
    $Combo1 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Speed Settings", 78, 70, 145, 25)
    GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Slow|Medium|Fast")
    #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
    While 1

    FOURTH -- We need to set up the commands for the controls.

    This is where the OnEvent Code comes in. We need to do GUICtrlSetOnEvent() for the Slider and Combo Box.. Not The Input Box Because That's What We're Reading From.

    Below $Slider1 add GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SetSlider") where "SetSlider" is the function call when the Slider is clicked on and then released. And below $Combo1 add GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SetCombo").

    Now that we've got the OnEvent code set in we need to add the actual Functions that they call for.

    At the VERY Bottom of your script BELOW WEnd, we need to add "Func SetSlider()" and press Enter.. You'll see that it automatically gives you a space to show that you're working inside of a command. Now we need to tell it what to do when that function is called, so we set up the variables we need to use. After pressing Enter add the line $xSlide = GUICtrlRead($Slider1) press Enter again and add the line GUICtrlSetData($Input1, $xSlide) < $Input1 is the control we are setting, $xSlide is the data we are setting it to. Press Enter again and add the line "EndFunc". You Should Get This

    Func SetSlider()
    	$xSlide = GUICtrlRead($Slider1)
    	GUICtrlSetData($Input1, $xSlide)
    Now BELOW "EndFunc" we need to do another function for the Combo Box. We Set The OnEvent Function Name to "SetCombo" so we need to add the line "Func SetCombo()" and press Enter. Add the line $xCombo = GUICtrlRead($Combo1). Then we get into setting the choices and their results. So we add "If" statements to it. After pressing Enter From GUICtrlRead($Combo1) we need to add "If $xCombo = "Slow" Then" and we need to press Enter after typing in "Then" which normally we will need to press Enter twice since pressing Enter once will tell AutoIt that "Then" is what you wanted to type in.. AutoIt is good for those drop down choices of what you could want to enter.. After getting to the next line in your script we need to add GUICtrlSetData($Input1, 100) press Enter and add GUICtrlSetData($Slider1, 100) that sets the controls to the slowest possible sleep setting. Press Enter again and add "ElseIf $xCombo = "Medium" Then" and Press Enter again.. Then we need to do the GUICtrlSetData's again, only this time we're setting the 50 instead of 100, which is the dead middle speed setting.. we need to repeat the last step only this time we're doing "Fast" and the GUICtrlSetData's should be at 10, the fastest possible setting. Press Enter again and add EndIf, Press Enter again and add EndFunc.

    so that Function should look like

    Func SetCombo()
    	$xCombo = GUICtrlRead($Combo1)
    	If $xCombo = "Slow" Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($Input1, 100)
    		GUICtrlSetData($Slider1, 100)
    	ElseIf $xCombo = "Medium" Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($Input1, 50)
    		GUICtrlSetData($Slider1, 50)
    	ElseIf $xCombo = "Fast" Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($Input1, 10)
    		GUICtrlSetData($Slider1, 10)

    FIFTH -- We need to set hotkeys for turning the program on / off.

    Below GUISetStat(@SW_SHOW) We need to add HotKeySet() Commands. For this part of setting up the script we need the appendix for Send() commands.. Link is here Send Key list

    For this tutorial we are going to do HotKeySet("{F1}" "Start") which sets the F1 key to call the Function Start().. Then we add another Hotkey only this time we're doing F2 and the Function Stop(). So from GUISetState it should look like

    HotKeySet("{F1}", "Start")
    HotKeySet("{F2}", "Stop")
    Before we set up the Function Start() and Stop() we need to declare the variable $ON as false, so below HotKeySet("{F2}", "Stop") add "Global $ON = False" Then simply set the Function Stop() like this

    Func Stop()
           $ON = False
    Then we need to set up the Start() function. We want it to turn $ON from False to True, so we do Func Start() > $ON = True. Then we need to set a loop for it to do so we add "While $ON = True" and press Enter. Then we need to set the Sleep time for the loop.. how long to wait between each running of the functions loop. So we put Sleep() below While $ON = True. Inside the parenthesis we need to put "GUICtrlRead($Input1), so you get Sleep(GUICtrlRead($Input1)).. We Then Need To Define PixelSearch as a variable so we are going to add "$pix = PixelSearch()" inside of the PixelSearch parenthesis we need to add it dimensions and settings. the settings go as follows

    PixelSearch(left, top, right, bottom, color, shade, step)

    Left = starting point on the left side of your screen
    Top = starting point at the top of your screen
    Right = stopping point at the right side of your screen
    Bottom = Stopping point at the bottom of your screen
    Color = the color to search for
    Shade = how many different shade variations are accepted as the target pixel
    Step = how many pixels to scan

    so we're going to need to set up variables for each specific location. First we're going to do the variables $X and $Y.. $X being the horizontal or left to right and $Y being the vertical or top to bottom. Since $X is left to right we need to have it @DesktopWidth / 2, which will give you the center pixel for the width of your screen... we do @DesktopWidth because its a macro to resolve what the user screen width is in pixels.. then we do the same for $Y only we do @DesktopHeight / 2 to get the center pixel of the users screen height. Then we simply declare variables $X1, $X2, $Y1, and $Y2.. with these we're going to do some more math to resolve the size of the scan area for PixelSearch.. So Below "Global $ON = False" we need to add the lines

    Dim $X = @DesktopWidth / 2
    Dim $Y = @DesktopHeight / 2
    Dim $X1 = $X - 50 ;-- start the scan area 50 pixels to the left of center coordinate.
    Dim $X2 = $X + 50 ;-- Stop the scan area 50 pixels to the right of center coordinate.
    Dim $Y1 = $Y - 50 ;-- Start the scan area 50 pixels above the center coordinate
    Dim $Y2 = $Y + 50 ;-- Stop the scan area 50 pixels below the center coordinate
    of course these exact number will not work properly for Combat Arms so you need to do your own math on how to set up the scan area for proper use.

    Next we gotta do the color.. this part i've done for you since you've all seen my Auto-Click.. you need the Hex value of the color you want the program to click when seeing.. Enemy Name Tags for Combat Arms show up as a dark red which is 0x960000.. Then we need to do a shade-variation so that it'll click on the color when it is not the exact value.. for example if the enemy is close to you the name tag will be brighter, and if they are far from you the name tag will be darker.. so we want to do a shade-variation of 20 - 30..

    Next is the Step, which should either be 1 or 2.. the Step defines how many pixels the search will scan.. if the Step is 1 it will scan every pixel on your screen.. if it is set to 2 it will scan every other pixel on your screen, and so forth with 3+. We want the Step to be 2 so it'll scan faster and still respond easily when the color shows up.

    so we get $pix = PixelSearch($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, 0x960000, 30, 2)

    Now we need to add the call for clicking the mouse when the target pixel is found.. so beneath $pix we need to do another If statement. This time the If statement is going to use IsArray which requires we add the include Misc.au3.. so at the very top of your script with the other includes, add #include <Misc.au3>

    Then we add the If statement below $pix.. Add the line "If IsArray($pix) = 1 Then" and press Enter. Then we need to give it the command to click the mouse since the color was found.. so we add "MouseClick("primary", MouseGetPos(0), MouseGetPos(1))" we do the MouseGetPos(0)/(1) to resolve the X and Y coords of your mouses current position.. this is just a safety measure to make sure that the MouseClick command doesn't move your mouse from where it is.

    Next we do a couple more safety measures to ensure that the response time is instant and the release time is instant as well. So below MouseClick() we need to add two Options, MouseCilckDelay, which states how long to wait before clicking the mouse in milliseconds, and MouseClickDownDelay, which states how long to wait before releasing the click in milliseconds. We do these by Opt("MouseClickDelay", 0) and we need to do another for ClickDownDelay just the same way. Then add EndIf, WEnd, and EndFunc to close the function command.

    Before we finalize this script we need to add one more OnEvent command. At the top of your script below $Form1 we need to add GUISetOnEvent() which is for the actual program and not for its controls.. we need to put GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit", $Form1)

    $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE being the red Exit button on the program itself
    _Exit being the function call we need to set up.. so we need to do Func _Exit() > Exit > EndFunc.. easy enough..
    and $Form1 being the hWnd or Window Handle to perform that function on

    you can also set a hotkey to perform this function incase the user wants to exit and isn't able to see the program because of the game running or some other reason.

    So Your Final Script Should Look Like This

    #include <ComboConstants.au3>
    #include <EditConstants.au3>
    #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
    #include <SliderConstants.au3>
    #include <WindowsConstants.au3>
    #include <Misc.au3>
    Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)
    #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
    $Form1 = GUICreate("Combat Arms Auto-Click", 301, 101, 290, 205)
    GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit", $Form1)
    $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("10", 92, 7, 121, 21)
    $Slider1 = GUICtrlCreateSlider(0, 31, 300, 30)
    GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SetSlider")
    GUICtrlSetLimit(-1, 100, 10)
    GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000)
    $Combo1 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("Speed Settings", 78, 70, 145, 25)
    GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "SetCombo")
    GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Slow|Medium|Fast")
    HotKeySet("{F1}", "Start")
    HotKeySet("{F2}", "Stop")
    HotKeySet("{F3}", "_Exit")
    #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
    Global $ON = False
    Dim $X = @DesktopWidth / 2
    Dim $Y = @DesktopHeight / 2
    Dim $X1 = $X - 50
    Dim $X2 = $X + 50
    Dim $Y1 = $Y - 50
    Dim $Y2 = $Y + 50
    While 1
    Func SetSlider()
    	$xSlide = GUICtrlRead($Slider1)
    	GUICtrlSetData($Input1, $xSlide)
    Func SetCombo()
    	$xCombo = GUICtrlRead($Combo1)
    	If $xCombo = "Slow" Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($Input1, 100)
    		GUICtrlSetData($Slider1, 100)
    	ElseIf $xCombo = "Medium" Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($Input1, 50)
    		GUICtrlSetData($Slider1, 50)
    	ElseIf $xCombo = "Fast" Then
    		GUICtrlSetData($Input1, 10)
    		GUICtrlSetData($Slider1, 10)
    Func Stop()
    	$ON = False
    Func Start()
    	$ON = True
    	While $ON = True
    		$pix = PixelSearch($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, 0x960000, 30, 2)
    		If IsArray($pix) = 1 Then
    			MouseClick("primary", MouseGetPos(0), MouseGetPos(1))
    			Opt("MouseClickDelay", 0)
    			Opt("MouseClickDownDelay", 0)
    Func _Exit()


    Upon Finishing This Tutorial You've Just Learned Over 25% Of What You Need To Know For Programming In AutoIt
    Want to see my programs?

  2. The Following 12 Users Say Thank You to Grim For This Useful Post:

    acess4 (12-06-2009),[MPGH]AVGN (12-07-2009),cru0 (12-06-2009),dohp111 (12-08-2009),hopefordope (12-15-2009),Kezaza (12-09-2009),matypatty (12-06-2009),poloji2 (12-12-2009),randomnamekabe (12-06-2009),TheRealVB (12-06-2009),ziko244 (12-18-2009),Zoom (12-07-2009)

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