Conversation Between Gelatin-chan and Janitor

10 Visitor Messages

  1. I could give it a try tomorrow or something. Don't expect much though, really.
  2. Actually Yes ! That's another reason why I want other people to create it for me, other than that I suck at this.
    I'm giving away my League of Legends account for it, as I updated in thread:
  3. Can I be a bit stereotypical? xD
  4. Think PUBG Logo, TV, Bearded arabs or camels idk hahahaha
  5. Oof, I'm horribly bad at FPS stuff. I actually tried. Legit can't without an idea as a base.
  6. Check my signature.
  7. Maybe..? What is it?
  8. Can I ask for a favor
  9. Hey there
  10. Hello there
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10