Conversation Between Gaydow and FanticSteal

21 Visitor Messages

  1. Reparations for arun touching my butt once.
  2. Well dam how'd you get TM
    Lucky ;(
  3. ya haha ill beat up that molestor
  4. Heeeeey my Canadian friend ;D
    You want a hook up on a little secret for 50% off McDonald's forever?

    -Canadian users only
  5. thnx man )
  6. Welcum back shadow
  7. Saw me wat D:
  8. nigga i saw u
  9. FanticWalrus
  10. Thanks Mr. Shadow
  11. god dam, I spent 1 hour reading my application for middleman 1 year ago
  12. gz on mod seal
  13. lick dat choco off my ass please
  15. Thankssss!!!!!
  16. Welcome back
  17. Congratz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Thank you!
  19. gz on minion
  20. Hello, you've requested that you would like to confirm if it's the REAL "FanticSteal", this message below will provide if it's the real me, by clicking the button below it will send you to Skype and add me, "FanticSteal".

    MPGH FanticSteal talking to you on Skype, if you are not talking to me on Skype which is the Skype below, then you are talking to an impersonator. Leave the chat ASAP if you are talking to the Impersonator then talk to the real me if you need a OMM.

    We hope you enjoy our service and have a great day and stay Safe!!

    Skype: fanticsteal
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 21 of 21