Conversation Between Scammer's Sheep and Hova

48 Visitor Messages

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  1. from Hova Jr to Hunters Sheep to CS. oh how the mighty have fallen
  2. thx bae <3
  3. never saw you cross 1k, noice
  4. thanks sacred <3
    I also want to congratulate you on your profile
  6. oh god, please no
  7. Watch out or I'll send my sister on you
  8. You will nail it like elementary school.
  9. I appreciate it bud! Gotta pass through the trial period first

  10. Congrats on the News Force bae <3
  11. Then I'll get you a rainbow colored one then.
  12. Black isnt even my favorite color dude..wdf
  13. Looks like me

    Ask nicely and I'll amazon refund u a black dildo

  14. plz Sacred. no more
  15. I might have to do that, but It's hard since he's the sneaky snake
  16. ask him m8 xD he did mine for free :P
  17. Does he have some kind of service where he offers to sell image titles or was it just personal?
    I'm interested /hmz
  18. Snake did

  19. Who made your Image Title
  20. Only for the fancy ppl

  21. i love it lol
  22. Yea, I've been repped by like 5 ppl but you were the only who could make it go + xD
  23. My niggas rep power is a huge big fat 0 xD
Showing Visitor Messages 26 to 48 of 48
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