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from Hova Jr to Hunters Sheep to CS. oh how the mighty have fallen
thx bae <3
never saw you cross 1k, noice
thanks sacred <3
CUCKBOIIIIIIII I also want to congratulate you on your profile
oh god, please no
Watch out or I'll send my sister on you
You will nail it like elementary school.
I appreciate it bud! Gotta pass through the trial period first
Congrats on the News Force bae <3
Then I'll get you a rainbow colored one then.
Black isnt even my favorite color dude..wdf
Looks like me Ask nicely and I'll amazon refund u a black dildo
plz Sacred. no more
I might have to do that, but It's hard since he's the sneaky snake
ask him m8 xD he did mine for free :P
Does he have some kind of service where he offers to sell image titles or was it just personal? I'm interested /hmz
Snake did 2short
Who made your Image Title
Only for the fancy ppl
i love it lol
Yea, I've been repped by like 5 ppl but you were the only who could make it go + xD
My niggas rep power is a huge big fat 0 xD