Conversation Between Ghost and Psychotic

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Soon enough. Once I get my gaming computer which I estimate will be in 2-4 weeks.

    Also, send me your old avatar. My avatar is a cartoon with a 6 pack and a wrench - I don't want it anymore.

  2. when you gettin bf3? :3
  3. Hai dad.
  4. Who said anything about growing? Hell, homemade Meth is the best! Haha, kidding. That's one drug I'd never think about touching.
  5. Neh, to lazy to grow stuff, just gonna sell some shit.
  6. Sell some drugs. That'll get you out of the ground .
  7. Trying to get some money back, bank screwed up when i was going to buy D3 and now 80 bucks is gone from my account
  8. Sorry, that was cheesy. Anyways, what's up?
  9. Did you fall from heaven? Cause' your face is FUCKED up...

    Well.. Isn't much of a pickup line.. Anyways, in class at the moment. Talk to you later homedawg.
  10. .
  11. I'm glad. I got some more pickup lines ^^.
  12. lol'd .
  13. Did you grow up on a farm - Cause' you sure know how to raise a cock.
Showing Visitor Messages 26 to 39 of 39
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