Conversation Between Ghost and Alen

356 Visitor Messages

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  1. hallo ghast
  2. r.i.p sugar titties
  3. Alun where you at bootyful
  4. its almost like it was made for our skype nights, right?
  5. Because PS2 is pay2win, terribly optimized and a pain to organize within? +half the people that try it rq within an hour?
  6. the people killed them.
    suggested having one on the night PS2 was released but no one cared /okey
  7. Skype nights still a thing or did you manage to kill them already?
  8. excellent
  9. You can be my russian pirate any day <3
  10. welcome to the dark side
  11. / .
  12. Leave me a message on Steam when you're up for it, Tunder and Nico have it too
  13. We have to play D3 once i get this payment shit fixed /want
  14. Inb4 over priced dlcs
  15. Not sure if want, especially if they end up having online stats / online hats, skins etc. like TF2. That would mean microtransactions and shit, which I do not want. Give all the content free or gtfo
  16. @2:25 ish

  18. .
  19. Thinking about pre-ordering Tribes: Ascend
  20. That song felt like sex when i first heard it since it was at school and they got uber bass there
  21. Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows = better pleasure

  22. brb gonna jizz
  23. .
  24. Parties upon parties upon sluts. Was fun.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 356
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