Conversation Between viking911 and HitByParkedCar

7 Visitor Messages

  1. No you're right. You already have a fantastic overlay
  2. Why would i like to see it when i have an own?
  3. Try? I already have. I would show you but you turned out to be a douchebag.
  4. Why don't you try to create a d3d overlay using PolyLoader then?
  5. D3D Poly Source? No way, that shit is ugly af. It can hardly be called D3D, the only functions you have are fucking boxes. Thin red boxes = ew. What font are you using? Arial?
  6. Random hack? The hack was created by me and steady together. We didn't give a fuck about you later, and now you are trying to contact me so i can give you the D3D Poly Source? Hahaha, well played. but no.
  7. Sorry, bad i actually said that you have to make the Overlay and i already gave you files for it.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7