Conversation Between Niku ・( ̄∀ ̄)・ and Ticherhaz

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Uit, you still alive ?
  2. Hi, you still on degree ?
  3. ok, lets continue in PM , just a few questions.
  4. its from me , my camera .
    now . if you excuse me . I'm not going to reply anymore
  5. Not that anime. your picture, not the avatar.
  6. you're really starting to annoying .
    its from an anime called nisekoi
  7. omg where did you get that picture?
  8. lol . kplebs
  9. like how ? if you're asking fb . don't mention it .
    oh wait . its the internet
  10. Don't get me wrong . it was me
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10