Conversation Between Time and Vine

131 Visitor Messages

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  1. habitually i suppose vincest
  2. Is this still a thing?
  3. well well if it isn't the cat with a frown, wadduuup
  4. Hello good sir, I see you're still lurking around in these difficult times
  5. meine gang /
  6. I still need to recover from the last one..
  7. Bachelor party first! Lets remake Hangover 1 my boieeeeeeeeeeeee
  8. Alright, where and when is the marriage?
  9. love is free baby
  10. Ye ok .. costs money though
  11. i mean at least take me out to dinner first!
  12. When are we getting maried?
  13. my one true love
  14. Fucking sea boi cunt
  15. gay vunt .
  16. Whatsapp btw you should change your user title to 'Veni Vidi Vine"
  17. wtf, pm me your skype. im energizex
  18. Ay damn I went to Antwerp today. Dude you have my wrong skype then I've been online all day!
  19. i dont see you online stillllllllllllllllllllllllllll, im joining from antwerp.
  20. I'll do my best
  21. yeah man, get on skype or somethin
  22. * difficult, fuck
  23. I'm finally done with finals. This shit is way more difficuly than I expected. Are you home now?
  24. you've had ample time!! i'm leaving around the first week of next month on my second voyage.
  25. I'll think about it xxx
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 131
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