Conversation Between Time and Bodvar

45 Visitor Messages

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  1. vroom vroom bich
  2. Watch that mouth or I'll kiss your toes curry looking ass
  3. tetris looking ass
  4. look at this cancerous fucking user customization wow.
  5. I'm gonna fuck you in the ass so hard
  6. u are 2 minutes away from getting capped in the knee and being dragged to my 28th floor luxury apartment where you're gonna be tied to the dining table and forced to watch powerpuff girls and be fed nothing but captain dicks cereals for the next 5 years
  7. Pls no hackerino
  8. i am going to crash ur compooter now
  9. Nice minion tag oh wait nvm
  10. Gay away .
  11. hi gay !
  12. I will ban you when I get gm B)
  13. henlo mister staff
  14. The truth will be shown!
  15. O: u expose me in signature!!
  16. india gang
  17. meine gang
  18. dont touch my spaghettt
  19. eat my curry indian
Showing Visitor Messages 26 to 45 of 45
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