Conversation Between Ryuk and Lily

101 Visitor Messages

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  1. I added you on IM.
  2. You have me on IM
  3. Imma just add you on im im destroying your wall
  4. I'm sure you would be able to do something about that.
  5. I'll have to deal with the kids asking for, HOW TO MAKE OSU! HACK
    but I guess I wouldn't mind.
  6. I'll have to deal with the kids asking for, HOW TO MAKE OSU! HACK
    but I guess I wouldn't mind.
  7. Wouldn't you like that section ?
  8. You just mentioned osu! that's a bad game.
  9. every couple months or so they always have openings. May not be for osu!, but it is something.
  10. Imma just wait for a game section I know to open up. Midman to hard for me.
  11. You just found out ?
  13. Well have fun
  14. True, i accidentally got 600pp and wanted to die.
  15. I would never. It makes my head hurt
  16. I never said stay just said try it for nostalgia lmao
  17. I don't play osu! anymore
  18. Play osu again
  19. You can do it !! fighting !!
  20. I still haven't e fc'd daidai genome
  21. stop sleeping
  22. Awww what
    games trash anyway lol
  23. I do not play osu anymore
  24. You still play osu?
  25. owo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Showing Visitor Messages 26 to 50 of 101
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