Conversation Between Wolf and krishna

14 Visitor Messages

  1. ye man how u beeeen
  2. Oh man, you're back?!
  3. whats up man
  4. Hai thur .
  5. Yo Talk To me man.
  6. ooo I see. ^^
  7. Sorry was at school
  8. Yo Brudda, Get On XFire YO
  9. dude whats going on with the NEW COCKSUCKER OMG.....
  10. toxin got who in ? and why in? and why did i got Cock SK
  11. Toxin got me in D:
  12. Cocksukcer OMG
  13. Ahaahaha Cocksucked .
  14. check ur thread and my post about u making a new acc. and giving urself thanks... o.O
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14