Conversation Between -DarK1272- and supercarz1991

2 Visitor Messages

  1. you only modded Hana's textures for gothic hana correct? if so, don't upload the rez files as the attachment due to the fact thats 80megs for all 4 texture files....i don't know which are Hana's files, but do this...

    Make a folder on your desktop call it Hana Mod
    make sub folders (folders in that folder), each folder called CHARS_T_FACE CHARS_T_BODY etc. a folder titled each rez that you would inject to
    Then tell people to inject the dtx files themselves

    upload that, that should only be 8 megs MAX
  2. can i send you the mod DarK's Gothic Hana and you post it? i cant get the attachments to work...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2