Conversation Between Derail and Archangel

90 Visitor Messages

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  1. Werkt een beetje zoals youtube. Elke keer dat iemand bijvoorbeeld
    @Derail zegt, krijg jij een mention
  2. Wat is die nieuwe plugin?Mentioned: ? times in ? posts
  3. still green huh
  4. / No problem.
  5. olawd, BACKUP_Disturbed reported it, fml, school is breaking me up.
    spelfout, verkeerd gelezen, weet het niet, k haal het er wel uit.
  6. Da fuck?I didn't report anyone in the last 2 weeks.
  7. Ecstacy,disrespect of staff yo.
    Just ban him cause he's CS.
  8. Also delete the rest of his posts,one of them is
    He's spreading that crap over different sections and I can't delete them cause I don't have power there.
  9. MPGH - MultiPlayer Game Hacking - View Profile: VIP_IS_VIP
    Perma,reasonutside link.I know it's only 7 days though he knows it's not allowed.
  10. stab you? what kind of hospital are you in xD
  11. Why did they have to stab me 6 times with the needle before they hit the right spot.Zzz
  12. Good. I work in a hospital myself, so if you have any questions, or just want to talk about it, let me know
  13. Improving./yea
  14. No problem
    How's your health?
  15. Thanks.
  16. done .
  17. MPGH - MultiPlayer Game Hacking - View Profile: Luke42O
    Spamming my section.1 day ban plawks.
  18. Thanks./
  19. done
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 90
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