Conversation Between Lawfulaardvark and ljubomir993

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Lawfulaardvark thank you. Before say something read all my posts and thread. This not about scam, before you read that, this because client after buy acc want refund. I hope any supports my time and effort. He got refund soon ( and if maybe he make mistake ). If you want scam eBay or PayPal, or dont understand how eBay and PP work, please not use our service. Thanks.
  2. - this user has had a scam thread opened against him. I personally have not used his service but I advise anyone who uses this members service in the future to read through the scam report, as you can learn allot about what type of protections you have as the buyer, and how far this member is willing to stall a case that has already been decided against him.
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