Conversation Between Jacky and Xenon~

85 Visitor Messages

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  1. What is up!
  2. Hey friend
  4. Back from the grave //////////////
  5. wassup! c:
  6. hi friend /////////// yes
  7. heya.

    hope you're doing good!

    stay safe!
  8. ��������������������������������������
  9. Gimme work
  10. same as always
    lurking here and there
  11. how is life
  12. 32xN4FemgwDpJfnEJ4JwJo8gS8pJJGCivh
  13. send me your address
  14. yes pls uuuuuuuuuuuwuuuuuuuuu

  15. i thought you wanted your 25$ btc
  16. How u been anyway? c:
  17. Send me your btc address u
  18. Lily's back already and I still haven't gotten a $25 btc supposedly for mpgh premium or the g933 as payment back then for the pxl2xl.
  19. Where's my $25 for membership.
  20. i lost my job ;(
  21. Why did you ghost me?
  22. What's a doodoo Vickie
  23. cant tell if it's a doodoo or woman
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 85
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