Conversation Between Jacky and Xenon~

85 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hiya silly xenon
  2. Where's my G933
  3. Im beck now gimme premium
  4. D-don't die Vicky. Help is coming!
  5. Happy new year. B-but where have you been though? ; A ;
  6. Give Christmas gift please.
  7. don't die noob
  8. Silly xenon

    Dying is for the weak
  9. Don't die on me silly xenon
  10. Why you die
  11. Glad you didn't

    Don't be dead like me
  12. I know but apparently I did not developed stress eating.
  13. Why bring depressed when food is life
  14. Yer weird owO
  15. Alright woman I'm gonna order you some pizza

    What's your address

    Food is love
  16. Somewhere out there, suffering from identity crisis and existential crisis for some reason. I have been too kind, but the world offers me nothing but pain and suffering.
  17. Where are you noob
  18. R u still ded
  19. That's a lie if you on mpgh
  20. Too tired, too dead inside
  21. where you go noob
  22. Vicki plssssssssss
  23. You left me hanging on IM

    I'm very sad now
  24. wow i cry in korean

    So mean
  25. oki me call u scammer instead of spammer uwu
Showing Visitor Messages 26 to 50 of 85
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