Conversation Between Sean and Nyaro

14 Visitor Messages

  1. yeah lol i see
  2. No FS title But better than perma
  3. Yes im back hehe
    Been 1 year
  5. whats up
  6. Hi long time no talk reeeeeeee
  7. that's bc when I'm home you're usually asleep. either way school starts on 1/3 or something so I'll hit you up with the decades/staffs then if you want
  8. you never honme
  9. Or maybe I can't give you sun staffs rn cuz I'm not at home
  10. instead of wasting time giving me rep comments get on rotmg and give me sun staffs
  11. A sexy name for a sexy man
  12. What the fuck I'd rather be Dave's Ballsack Rag than this
  13. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  14. Accept my friend request xD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14