Conversation Between HarryJackson and Psychotic

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Okay that is understandable as are your thoughts on the IM system.

    Unfortunately, rules are rules and you're going to have to adapt like the rest of us. Please leave out of any PMs as that's not allowed and will be reported by users if they receive it. I recommend sticking to IM and being patient until it's improved further.
  2. I didn't PM people for my advertisement. I send PM to All people add my IM. I cannot Online on IM within 24 hours. IM is not good system like S K Y P E. I lost many customer since I first using IM, because IM cannot online 24 hours on my phone and my computer. So I reply PM people add my IM. 60 people add my IM, and No one buying because it cannot Online 24 hours like S K Y P E. You must create IM with best system like S K Y P E sir.
  3. Please don't PM people your advertisement.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3