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you for sure still deserve CS tag, ngl
this cock ain't gonna suck itself you disgusting piece of cs filth
go make pee pee poo poo jokes somewhere else cocksucker
hey retard
fucking dumb cs cunt
I'm geek'd xD
stop harassing me kid you'll be banned like Kate
Only your's bb
uh this dude sucks cock what a suprise
hahahaha cs has no rights booo oohhhh
Well well well, how the turn tables blow me a fat one kid
this dude got staff just to become FS typical white boy stuff
tbh who cares
miscommunication was from dave not from any of us
hahahha u were all doing such a bad job with the dev chat especially you can't believe dave thought u'd be useful smh.
that's rude? flamming will get you banned kiddo. protect ur face.
you were a cs i wasn't suck my dick fag
you were never staff lol wtf are you thinking you are? important?
atleast i was a staff?
haha once a fake staff never a fake staff again now u can't say shit 2 me
once a fag always a fag
hahahaha fuck you matt you ain't staff no more guess ur that trash all along??
let's make out UwU like would be kinda cooolllll ^-^ but if ur not into it I guess not..... >.>
uhh ur hot
gay man leave me alone