Conversation Between vicinitykiller and HarryJackson

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello Sir

    I am Harry Jackson. I am selling .edu email and digital ocean coupon $50

    What service you need it?

    Do you Have S K Y P E Sir?

    Please ADD ME on S K Y P E For Fast Respond : ----->>> l i v e : harrypotterjackson89 <<<----- (Not using Space)
    Email Me on ----->>> <<<-----
    If you want to buy, We Can discuss on S K Y P E.
    It's Easy to Communicate

    what's your S K Y P E Name sir or email sir?

    Hello, are you there sir?

    It so difficult discuss in here and I am not online every time in here. I am always online on S K Y PE and more easier discuss in here. All my buyer always contact me on S K Y P E
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1