Conversation Between WindowsKiller_Backup and Ravallo

12 Visitor Messages

  1. No shit

    [MPGH]Sirius Black
    I usually delete people after I have MM'ed for them, what's your msn?
    I'll add you again
  2. Added you again, and I delete everyone after I've MM'ed their trade
    you also deleted me week ago
  4. Certainly am, what's your msn?
    I'll add you manually
  5. MSN nikka

  6. From msn, friendlist or something else?
  7. Deleted me again? >_>
  8. plus,it's HempJr if you don't know
  9. I usually delete people after I have MM'ed for them, what's your msn?
    I'll add you again
  10. Bitch,yo deleted me
  11. I am now
  12. You on msn?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12