Conversation Between Pikachu and Drifts

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. Im the one that told you to apply :3
    Had a name change
  2. I don't even know you. lol
  3. I see now your to cool for me and is ignoring me

    I created you and I can destroy you
  4. Pikachu :3
    Your old name suited the MM title better
  5. Congrats and GL.
  6. Gimme your msn ;o. I will readd you.
  7. When was this lol?
  8. What happened to your email tho? o_o
    It was like hey big boy I want your juicy cock and I was like wtf????
  9. o.o.... I guess the period ended lol.
    When I came on msn one day your email had led me to a porn chat o_o
  11. lol. okay ;D
  12. Blame Longevity D:
  13. Well then, screw you!
  14. How do I owe you money O.o We didnt do the service at all we were starting up a list and the guy screwed us over. o.o
  15. Ahh. You still owe me money, thank you very muchie.
  16. Might as well delete the sig. Somone shared the ****** >.<
  17. I failed all 71k zp lol... I was 1 away from a stakeout.. damit.
  18. Get on msn my email is Hard to talk here X.X
  19. xD Cause of your last message im confused want it or not? o.o
  20. HOLY CRAP, wth am I thinking lol. I'm gonna sell it anyways, SO WHY NOT RISK IT ;D!
  21. I will pass. You can try selling it, I think people will buy it without even thinking.. If they ask me if they should buy, of course I will tell them not to. Other wise, I will not interfere.
  22. Cause Id sell you one for 10 dollars :3
    Selling it cheap to you so I have proof im not pulling bs with other ppl
  23. Actually Im the one that is gonna sell it and do you think people will trust me?
  24. Around 50 dollars. but personally, dont buy accounts with zp in it. Those accounts usually get chargebacks and fuck you in the butt :X
  25. Like not even a charecter or w.e. made
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 28
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