Conversation Between Lmsjr1234 and Nitehawk772

21 Visitor Messages

  1. Nitehawk I can test your L9 texture but I can seem to able to save or open a file in dtx format I don't get Photoshop is being weird.
  2. Okay, I'm getting on.
  3. get on msn real quick i want to tell you something
  4. I dunno...

    Either is fine. Most likely from the .REZ Modding Section.

  5. Where should my mommy be from? rez modding or somewhere in the far reaches of the mpgh
  6. I wish.

    Who should it be.
  7. Is she in the kitchen making you a sandwich?
  8. I know.

    We will find you a mom.

  9. I don't have a mom

  10. Welcome to the family.

    AeronyxJr. is your Uncle, Aeronyx is your Grandma, And Gaz is your Grandpa.
  11. Okay dady
  12. Yeah. You can take my gravestone out of your signature now.
  13. Someone got unbanned I see
  14. I might change it to that. Or "We are the EDITORFORCE!"
  15. I roam the nite is better than Where rhythm and rhyme collide but nice title.
  16. Sorry. Dave already hired the editors.
  17. Could I help too or not?
  18. Yeah, But we haven't released it to the public yet. It also has a Maplestory Wiki, A Project Blackout Wiki, And a few others.
  19. MPGH has a wiki?
  20. Applied awhile back, And edited the wiki alot.
  21. How did you become a editor?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 21 of 21