Conversation Between Blake and Janitor

57 Visitor Messages

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  1. Everything he said on my thread was off topic. I raged at him because he IS A retard and you know it.

    Could you delete his posts and my replies?
  2. Calm down on your thread.
  3. rofl
    Thanks for the warning, Won't happen again.
  4. Got banned for doing that a lot.
    Before i was minion
  5. So asking if it was answered and mentioning staff =Infraction?
    I thought by doing that you would get there faster to prevent spam. didn't know i could get infracted.
    Anyways my apologies, won't happen again.
  6. No problem.
    But Upper staff starting with minion + wouldve infract you.
  7. Yea that's why i asked if it was answered , that way you could close it.
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 57 of 57
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