Conversation Between Parody and ARHQA$Y$YW4AYG4y

4 Visitor Messages

  1. https://i969.photobucke*****m/albums/a...rem/Parody.png

    Remove this image from your signature, it's gay, ugly and gay.
  2. i have my own little style. idc.
  3. I said don't make anything when you're bored. And someone already told you to read tutorials, don't just ignore the suggestion and think you'll get better by making tags one after another.
  4. don't make anything ever again, i don't like any of your shit ever. I love it and just wanted to share. you people get a render, a bg, and a bunch of c4ds to hide the image and make it look like shit. i can happyly tell you i can do all of that, but choose not to, BECAUSE THATS ALL I SEE IN THIS SECTION.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4