Forum: Programming

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  1. Welcome to the official coder's hangout! Talk about general programming related mumbo jumbo here.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 1,414
    • Posts: 11,389
  2. Discuss C++/C related development. Show off your projects, ask for C++ programming help, contribute C++ tutorials and post C++ snippets here.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 4,517
    • Posts: 36,632
  3. Discuss Visual Basic related development. Show off your projects, ask for Visual Basic programming help, contribute Visual Basic tutorials and post Visual Basic snippets here.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 5,534
    • Posts: 52,633
  4. Discuss Python related development. Show off your projects, ask for Python programming help, contribute Python tutorials, and post Python snippets here.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 10
    • Posts: 45
  5. Discuss C# (C Sharp) related development. Show off your projects, ask for C# programming help, contribute C# tutorials and post C#snippets here.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 683
    • Posts: 3,741
  6. Release and download tools to aid with programing and miscellaneous development.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 228
    • Posts: 1,683
  7. Share your tutorials for programming (C++, Visual Basic, Java, ASM.. etc) with other users. Tutorials may be made by you or by other people (with proper credits).

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 1,109
    • Posts: 6,501
  8. Discuss game development related subjects here, such as programming, modeling, music, artwork, etc.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 358
    • Posts: 2,209
  9. Talk about anything CS and engineering related: universities, interviews, jobs, aspirations, mentorship, questions and concerns, and share your latest life changes.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 3
    • Posts: 30