Battlefield 1 Hacks, Cheats, Discussions, Guides, and Help can all be found here! DICE takes this awesome franchise back in time to WW1. Are you ready to storm the trenches? We Are!
Discuss, develop and release hacks and cheats for Battlefield 2 (BF2).
Discuss, develop and release hacks for BF2142 (Battlefield 2142).
DICE's continuation of the famous Battlefield series. Looking for a BattleField: Bad Company 2 (BFBC2) Hack...? Get all your hacks, aimbots, chams, and cheats here.
Discuss, develop and release Battlefield Heroes hacks for this free, browser based 3D cartoon styled FPS MMO.
Get hacks for Battlefield Play4Free Online here. Developed by the same developers of AVA and Crossfire.
Check it out:
Looking for a Battlefield 3 hack? Find free aimbots, cheats and trainers here! Stay up to speed with the latest Battlefield 3 (BF3) news, leaks and other information.
Discuss, develop and release hacks for Battlefield Hardline.
Discuss, develop and release hacks for BF2042 (Battlefield 2042).