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Ignoring mentions in the scammers grave
Was pretty much acting like he was a middleman
Hello, i need a MM for this trade let me know when you're online. Thank you.
can you mm please Skype: Specrolled I will pay.
LOL FBZ.....
I like Royce better...
Tell about what ? I told nobody nothing ..
Royce is dead ..
Royce, I suggest you change your name back! Royce became a hate word, it's much easier for everyone if we have a Royce to hate on. Don't be a pussy. Be Royce. FBZ..
Ya. Its been like two days. Wait a month.
Its been like two days...
Those are all personal evals
dat dumb name tho
y u FBZ not royce
may i suggest you add hurricane to it? since it stacks with her rockets.
Hey you still do that jinx guide?^^
Not yet
No problem
btw *
None He handles reports like a clueless kid and spends most of his time in the General and the Giveaway section I'm doing the MM evals bte You will see them soon
Become a Middleman Raple and Scammer are not so good
Hey i need you for a omm for a rotmg account sale
LOL that sarcasm though
She Dreamt She Was a Bulldozer
MPGH Keyboard Bully
Kobe did 9/11