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If you are having any issues, shoot us an email, Contact MPGH Support. As always, have fun and enjoy your stay! - MPGH Staff
Thank you for the Kamala endorsement.
don't be a stupid drunk bang gang dang hang fang
:O Taylor Swift is alive
8 years pretty nice
Thanks a lot for the share man. Its good to see that other people are going through tough times and found ways to deal with it. I went through some tough times in the past and I couldn't find anyone to relate to at all. The last place I thought about getting help was the internet but you made it possible. I hope you're doing fine because you seem like a really nice person.
Yea dw I will
Ayy cold as fuck here and I gotta shovel snow on the daily.
Oh, nice.
Wtf you doin there you Nazi?
Wtf, 8 PM here. <.>
You're lucky I can't ban you birthday boy.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yeah maybe 5 years ago you were my "dad"
ehhhhhhh sort of, I remember your name, pretty sure we played CA at some point.
And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate...
Stop breaking up
Sold LTC2 Combat Arms account I went first sold for $40 good person vouch+!
made up ur mind?
Sure, why not.
I'm ready to do trade right now if you are ready though.
Talking to you on Skype now
The joys of being me My Screen Name is Aj
Have me added on Skype ******Symmetrical_2 I'll try to help you out with the trade
Umm .. be specific Combat Arms account for another account or Paypal money .. ?
What is the trade?
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