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I tried to add you on IM for shell could u add me pls.
Hope you're enjoying that brazzers accounts
I need an amtrak ticket ASAP
I am a fucken legend
hello i added you on ***** a few weeks ago still wanting to buy shell
Hi, do u have *******? if yes give me.
Thank you for respecting women ♥
check your IM.
Ty <3
Read Tos again, and move on. Customers such as your self have agreed with the lifetime shop warranty before the transaction. No point in being petty and fighting something that is already passed. The person who you have bought the new adobe from was one of my adobe admin panel suppliers, he himself have dissapeared from me when the old method no longer worked lmao. I still have not obtain the new adobe method, but GL to you.
You are right, you should not take threats or accusations likely - Because this is serious. TOS or not, you made a promise to a customer based on *****. To be fair to you, if the TOS is so important, why didn't you tell the customers about it beforehand before the purchase? Just as you have the right to refuse further and existing services, I have the right to claim back my money for failure of seller to deliver the goods as staetd.
I do not take threats and accusations lightly, and I have the rights to refuse further and existing services. Thank you for the words.
Umm, I do not think you have read the TOS on my thread? My method is also patched as well.
Evidence of scam III -payment details (Proof that I actually paid)
Evidence of scam II - Him claiming to PM me and the response I got:
Evidence of scam:
Do NOT buy from Cap'n. He said he pm'ed me but in reality he denied that he can do anything. Don't deliver something you can't keep. See the EVIDENCE and the screenshot below!
Rep4Rep is for losers , I earn rep
Im a Legend
Accepted skype pls
Pmed been out for weeks, now stop trashing man shit GEEZZZZ
Do NOT buy any goods from this person. He fails to deliver uphold his standard on goods and services. He also engages in rep farming!
Cap'n - you shouldn't promise anything u can't keep man :/ I need my Adobe CC refreshed and renewed
helLo? AnYbOdY HoMe? I need you to reactivemy adobe CC bro
Hello? Ya there buddy? Kinda urgent. I need the Adobe CC for work.
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