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If you are having any issues, shoot us an email, Contact MPGH Support. As always, have fun and enjoy your stay! - MPGH Staff
Wen meinste?
Kein minion mehr :/ ?
****** for life bruh
Gradz baby. It's me and you now.
You were added to LoL along with Ahmad, good luck.
This guy is just a ripper. Be carefull with his paid mod menus
den* x) retard can't spell
Glückwunsch Kolleg! Sehr verdient. Zwar nicht in der GTA abteil aber ist ja auch etwas das dir gefällt. just don't fuck it up x)
Glückwunsch! Endlich mal Gesellschaft
Gratz man!
Congrats to you, what section did you receive ?
congrats my boy
howdy patna can i interest you in GH
Hey. Need help with coding.Can you help out? Just a bit only not much. Thanks.
Speaking Of These Values, Weapon Damage: GTA5.exe + 2333980 -> 8 -> 10C8 -> 20 -> 20 <--- Is this a Float or 4 Bytes? Also, if I wanted to search for this value how would I find it? Weapon Recoil: GTA5.exe + 2333980 -> 8 -> 10C8 -> 20 -> 74 <--- Is this a Float or 4 Bytes? Also, if I wanted to search for this value how would I find it? The reason I'm not using this method is just the way I like it :P Here's what I got HP Hack : 141B0D3D0 -> 280 = 200 (Float) Inf Sprint: 1425F9F18 -> C00 = 100 (Float) Fist/Leg Damage Multiplier: 1425F9F18 -> C20 = 1 (Float) So that's all I need is the way to manually search for the Values for the No Recoil And Weapon Damage ~Thanks!
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Life is killing me