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  1. View Conversation
    FeelsBadMan, I want your name fam
  2. Happy birthdayyyyy!!
  3. View Conversation
    Happy burfday
  4. View Conversation
    like i was told that the lighting seemed weird before, like it seemed unrealistic, im submitting this for a team battle on a different forum so i was trying to get as much cnc as i could
    here is an updated version
  5. View Conversation
    yo can i get your opinion on this piece? not sure if i got the shadows right
  6. View Conversation
    ****** .
  7. There ya go
  8. You can bump your thread once a day.
  9. Will keep you updated, no problem.

    Also, mind giving me a link to your main tumblr?

    Last time I was there I loved everything about it, but forgot to follow.

    Now I can't find it again...
  10. I'm a loudmouth rager, who speaks before thinking.

    I've said numerous things about the site, and other people/staff that were completely true that needed to be said, and I've gotten banned for it numerous times.

    I would so love to get it started, but I just don't feel as if it's possible for me to be of any help. Although I guess it's worth a shot.
  11. I would, but the admins don't like me. I think it would be more beneficial for someone on their good side asked or pleaded for the change.

    Not to seem lazy or anything, but it's honestly true. Dave and Arun have always disliked me to a certain extent.
  12. I definitely know that Doc has been interested in the position for awhile now, and I think he'd be perfect for the section again.

    And I think that if we had brought back some sort of SOTW, or any competition really we'd get a lot more activity. So at the moment I don't think it's right to be judging the idea off of the section's activity at this point. Obviously there's not much going on, or much to look at in the section, because people have no motivation to head in there.

    I also critique anything I can, and actively browse the section as well as a few others (presuming that you're active in the section too.)

    Anyways, I'll reach out to Doc and Jimmy, maybe a couple others about the idea and ask them to get in touch with Dave if they're interested.

    Thanks for the input, I appreciate it.
  13. You think it would be possible to maybe start up a GFX moderator/team again?

    I think Doc would would be interested in that position again, and it's irritating to see people shitposting and not giving real critique.

    Although I doubt Dave/Liz would think it's active enough for any moderation.
  14. Deflorate, Problems, Snuggles.

    From most recent to oldest.
  15. nvm.
    CTRL + R
  16. Hey Ryan? can you help me?
    how do i get this in photoshop?
  17. Thanks for that report
  18. View Conversation
    Will do! Check it in a second
  19. View Conversation
    Hey, would you like me to send you that photo? :3
  20. By the way, sorry for not contacting you first about using the same image in my sig.

    I liked it so much, if you'd like me to stop using it I'd understand.
  21. View Conversation
    You're obviously an intelligent individual, which I highly respect. 95% of the human population is intellectually deficient, which makes it very refreshing to see someone with at least a few neurons. I will admit that that was one of my more pompous works, and is not entirely indicative of my writing. We're both on the higher end of society, so I propose that we stop bickering, and deal with more pressing matters.
  22. How are you doing, bro? Long time, no text-based communication.
  23. View Conversation
    ya saw that after i posted, my bad.
  24. View Conversation
    Well then my deepest apologies.
  25. View Conversation
    are you ryguy's new account?
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