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Seemliss here where you at mah boi ;(
Been doing alright bro. We should catch up sometimes. My kid is six now, and I'm engaged to be married. Hope things are going well for you.
"could never leave mpgh"
all is good broski, how are you?
yep im still here
Oogga booga!
Sup negro .
STOP LEAVING ME. Yeah, I'm still a submariner. Still living in Connecticut.
yeah same tbh but fuck it what have you been up to
still breathinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
your alive
hey u big boi
Fabzzzzzz my fav emo boy
Damn, fabz! Hows everything haha
Our beloved Fabz! :')
Pretty much working as a chef at my local hospital Nice, gonna be doing the same soon ^^
Thanks man. I seen you on Steam recently and thought about you. Hope you're doing alright. Me and my baby mama separated, but I still see my kid regularly. He just turned four a couple weeks ago. He's growing up quick.
Good, been working a lot, started to get into coding now as well, you?
my life is pretty shit hows urs bud?
Holy shit fabz lives
yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you're still alive what's good?
You suck. I've been to NY like fifteen times in the past year.
last online 4 hours ago and yo ass can't say fucking Hi or anything
Oh, I see. I'm in the merchant navy, so that's going okay.