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I'm still offended by the perfect German grammar used in your user title. That's not a sentence any German would any say since we do not understand the grammar of our language pls could you open my thread up plox
I forgot yu were even still alive lmao.
No problem Hope you had a good time.
Where are you, Dakota ?
approve my thread please before the hack gets detected
approve please bro
Dude your like really inactive a lot you sure you wanna still be a minion on CF since your busy all the time
Happy Birthday
accept my thread req. of cf hack
Delete my Thread made a huge mistake in it
are you batman's brother somehow? LOL
Hi mate......
Please close that thread its from 2011 and a dumbass bump it up
Wat are you tacoing about? I sent you one before I vm'd you
How are you nawt in my friends list 0.0
Ohhh youre german. Im german aswell
German Text title.. Y???
Can you reply to my PM ? Thanks
@Dakota Close please.
Thanks Dakota you gotta get DarkLord to switch to green too then!
Oioi lost CS? congratz. And nice german Text title btw
Congratulations on losing CS!
I got glazed
Dual-Keyboard Member
Blackhat Hacker
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Talking walls speak and spell my life story.
Keeper of Porra