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If you are having any issues, shoot us an email, Contact MPGH Support. As always, have fun and enjoy your stay! - MPGH Staff
@joshrhodesava I've been talking to you on skype now since 1AM us eastern timezone? thejoshrhodes thats the skype youve messaged me on regarding to the league of legends account
Hey i bought the league account from you a while ago, tried to login and now the info is changed... ive tried messaging you on skype and ive gotten a response. please reply when you get the chance?
+1 Vouch Date: 5/26/17 Other person involved: None Items bought/traded/sold: Steam Account traded for Realm account Extra info:I went first as I have no vouches, and it was successful
+1 Vouch date: 12/8/2016 items bought: league of legends account quick fast and easy seller!
hey gameboyplanb it's me gaming4ez talking to you on Skype "
+rep bought knife, used fantic as mm. thanks a lot mate!
Herrow~ //
Seriously, don't trade with beaatz. He whines and makes scam reports of literally everybody he trades with.
Whats your price for the Falchion
Hello, you've requested that you would like to confirm if it's the REAL "FanticSteal", this message below will provide if it's the real me, by clicking the button below it will send you to Skype and add me, "FanticSteal". MPGH FanticSteal talking to you on Skype, if you are not talking to me on Skype which is the Skype below, then you are talking to an impersonator. Leave the chat ASAP if you are talking to the Impersonator then talk to the real me if you need a OMM. We hope you enjoy our service and have a great day and stay Safe!! Skype: fanticsteal
I am LethalZ
+Vouch date: 2015-06-26 items bought: ROTMG account Others: Very fast, he went first we trusted each other
+Vouch, went fast and quick went half half
monsterxtl on skype?
More vouches this one was hard to prove but I can infact show paypal transactions if that will help with vouch Rafrod; I went first during an account selling, there was even a error in sending payment and he still paid the money +vouch, thanks a lot man [1:19:41 PM] Dylan H: /hXerK/546d29320a.png
another vouch ignore that other comment XD https:// imgur .com/sivww24
Another vouch *looks at fingernails*
+Vouch Date: 22/5 Items bought: 4 life 1 ubhp Any other comments: Very smooth, would buy again
Jebus christ mate
New Member